Say goodbye to pain with plain aluminum foil

It was found that the ordinary aluminum foil is suitable for food preparation and wrapping the same, but for the treatment of diseases ...If you are suffering pain in the neck, back, shoulders, knees, or have pain in the heel that does not let you stand on it, you a sore spot to put foil. At your surprise and happiness, after a while, the pain disappears.The point is that biotekovite that pass through our organism in biological active point, reflect and come back to the meridian, where out. It's very soothing effect on the affected organ, which the meridian is associated. In this way easily remove the problems, pains that you pretty dosadile. This interesting way of treatment has long been practiced by Chinese and Russian healers, and is described in the works of Wilhelm Reich psychotherapist, a disciple of Freud.As treated aluminum foil? It takes an ordinary aluminum foil and placed on the sore spot and is fixed (for example with plaster). Treatment with aluminum foil is applied to all kinds of pain, pain in the back, arms, legs, joints, sciatica, arthritis revmatodoiden, spike heel, naslgi salt. In the same way, and treat postoperative scar at the site of the surgical incision. We achieve good results in the treatment of gout.Chinese therapy treatment foil recommended period of 10-12 days. Every day should attach a piece of foil on the sore spot and hold it all day or all night. After a break of 1-2 weeks and if necessary repeat the treatment. Foil possesses potent anti-inflammatory effect. With its help you can effectively treat the common cold. It is necessary to feet wrapped in layers 5-7, and between each layer can put paper or cotton fabric. Keep this coating about an hour, then remove and repeat the procedure for two hours. Again pause and place it third time. Time of treatment - a week.
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