Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Remove the stiffness of the neck for 60 seconds
Each of us has happened from time to time to wake up with a stiff and painful neck. The common can be very unpleasant, but the problem you can not solve themselves the instant and simple way, without the intervention of massager or physiotherapist. For this effective trick you need only 60 seconds.
First step
Second step
Third step
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Just one sip of this drink cleanses the body of toxins!
The combination of these ingredients around you will make an invisible shield that will keep you from attacks by viruses and bacteria ...
For multi role of olive oil on health have written a lot, but it is important to add that in combination with lemon juice it becomes stronger weapon in the fight against viruses, bacteria and the body restores lost energy.
Besides the body with the combination of these two ingredients are safe from toxins, and the first results are visible very quickly.
Namely, you will first notice the disappearance of large dark circles around the eyes. It is only to be patient and this combination to drink every morning at least a month.
This healthy "cocktail" to do so that you mix a teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice (preferably homemade) and drink on an empty stomach. After that the normal breakfast.
Besides the return of strength in the body and cleanse the toxins will improve and the digestive system and can benefit and desire to lose weight.
If you have difficulty prison fully heal. Already after several days of use of this elixir will feel healthy changes that will focus on reaching a healthy lifestyle.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Massage this point and get rid of stress: The ancient Chinese called "heavenly gate!"

If you do not know how to get rid of stress, try this interesting Russian method which many claim is extremely efficient and easy to perform.
The source of stress is not the same for all people and often a person has several different promoters who literally push in this unbearable situation. When you get used to the stress, the majority of people feel anxiety, tension, and even physical pain.
The most important thing when it comes to stress relief is to get rid primarily from negative emotions. In our body there are some anti-stress points whose stimulation can easily get rid of stress.
Ancient Chinese precisely this point called "Shen-me" or "heaven's gate." In this point stimulation reduces stress levels and releases flow of energy, which acts beneficially on our health in general.
If at this point you act with acupressure (massage precisely, in this case using the usual stick ears) Although it will get rid of stress, you can reduce inflammation and reduce pain in almost every part of the body.
This point is located in the center of the upper third of the ear lobe, as you can see in the photo.
Russian Sandomierski doctor advised us to the following procedure:
"Massage the point of moderate pressure and a circular motion, using a wand for cleaning ears. Breathe deeply and listen to your body. Continue to breathe deeply. In any future inhalation look left and look at each exhale right. You feel how the body gradually relaxes and soothes. "
This can do every night before bed or whenever you feel stressed. If you do not have sticks for cleaning the ears, this may point to a massive and fingers.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Secret Recipe for cleaning the blood vessels, liver and kidneys!
This is a recipe that heals the whole body, cleanses the blood vessels, heart heals, strengthens the immune system, kidneys and other systems for excretion, and digestive system of pathogenic microflora.
It helps in improving brain function and memory, protect against heart attack, helps with sore joints, but is an excellent remedy against some cancers. It also regulates body weight.
400 grams permeated grain (wheat)
15 lemons (organic)
12 cloves of garlic
1 kg of honey
400 grams of nuts
It helps in improving brain function and memory, protect against heart attack, helps with sore joints, but is an excellent remedy against some cancers. It also regulates body weight.
400 grams permeated grain (wheat)
15 lemons (organic)
12 cloves of garlic
1 kg of honey
400 grams of nuts
To prepare sprouted wheat, put about 400 grams of wheat in a glass jar, put water and leave overnight. After 10-12 hours, strain the water through a clean cloth / gas and a little wash wheat.
Leave parched wheat jar another 24 hours and get 'rtena wheat.
Grind together the nuts and wheat cleaned onions. Grind 5 lemons with peel and mix in a bowl. Take only the remaining lemon juice and mix it with the rest until you get a homogeneous mixture. Add honey and stir with a long wooden spoon, and then transfer the jar, which should be stored in the refrigerator. After 3 days the mixture was ready.
Take 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture for 30 minutes before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime.
To treat cancer take the mixture every two hours.
Recipe ensure a long and healthy life, keep the freshness of the body, youth and energy, because it contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, bioactive ingredients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats and vegetable. Improves the function of all internal organs and glands.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
You may have a bad taste, but this drink to melt the pounds
As announced in the title, the ingredients of this amazing drink maybe you do not like them, but the question is effective drink tested many and led to the body what it wanted.
- A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
- A little angry, Ground pepper
- Juice and rind of one lemon
Randy lemon peel and pour it with 240 ml of boiling water. After ten minutes, add the lemon juice, apple vinegar and pepper melee. Stir before each sip and drink the drink before and after each meal.
Why this drink is so good
Melee pepper helps in digestion, accelerates metabolism and stimulates the burning of fat. Namely, its ingredient, capsaicin stimulates the nervous system to produce heat in the body that stimulates accelerated spending calories.
Lemon contains components that inhibit the deposition of fat, and its bark contains polikosanol, a substance that helps in burning fat. Apple vinegar, or his regularly consuming in moderation helps dissolving the fat in the body.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
This fruit protect you cancer!!

Grapefruit is a tropical plant of the family of citrus fruits, and its healing powers knew Aborigines from Australia who used it as a panacea.
Grapefruit is a rich source of vitamin C (half of the fruit contains more than half of the recommended daily dose) and pectin, which lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Yellow grapefruit has a lower concentration of vitamin C than the pink and red that protect against cancer because they contain flavonoids - neutralizers of substances that encourage the development of malignant cells.
National Organization of American chemists recommended grapefruit juice as an obligatory part of the breakfast because this fruit is a great preventive a means against lung cancer and colon.
New findings about the grapefruit confirm that this result is particularly effective in the fight against viruses and bacteria, so it is recommended in the treatment of flu and colds. Extract from grapefruit seeds, it is a means powerful against about 800 species of bacteria and about 100 species of fungi.
From flower grapefruit tree prepares essence that insomnia cure, but symptoms are caused by diseases of the stomach and heart, while the leaf extract has anti-inflammatory action.
The juice is rich in bioflavonoids that help with digestion and encourage the process of weight loss, and a positive effect on the function of the liver and strengthen arteries.
Red grapefruit juice contains lycopene and carotenoids that have antirheumatic activity and mitigate symptoms that follow osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, but act and the balance of hematocrit levels.
Grapefruit cleans intestines and stabilizes intestinal flora thanks to the special ingredient, which gives the fruit and slightly bitter taste, it accelerates the process of digestion. It is also a good source of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), which plays a key role in cellular energy production.
The study of German scientists suggests that eating grapefruit helps fight diseases of dental meat. Studies have shown that only two fruits a day reduces the risk of bleeding gums.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Discover the secret behind the line women !!!
Scientists have long been trying to explain why there is a high concentration of fatty deposits around the female butt
Professor Will Lasek, from the University of Pittsburgh it seems finally clear up the mystery associated with this part of the female body. According to his research, the fat that is located in the women's buttocks and thighs help in the development of their children.
-To Developing nervous system need fat, and the fat that is stored in these zones contain acid DHA is the primary structural component of the human cerebral cortex, he explained.
Over evolution women accumulated good fats before the arrival of the baby.
-Transmission Is through breastfeeding women so quickly lose weight while breastfeeding child adds Lasek.
Apart from this research show that women with strong acids born more intelligent children. In the past, women often chose exactly these women because their children were stronger, and thus had a greater chance of survival.
-To Developing nervous system need fat, and the fat that is stored in these zones contain acid DHA is the primary structural component of the human cerebral cortex, he explained.
Over evolution women accumulated good fats before the arrival of the baby.
-Transmission Is through breastfeeding women so quickly lose weight while breastfeeding child adds Lasek.
Apart from this research show that women with strong acids born more intelligent children. In the past, women often chose exactly these women because their children were stronger, and thus had a greater chance of survival.
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